Of tags and categories

This site may be searched with the use of tags and categories.

Categories divide posts into a few “big buckets”. These are intended for use in browsing. They are organised into hierarchies. They are used to sum up the main theme of a post. Only a limited number are applied to each post. Tags are used more liberally and are meant for searching for specific topics.

Both categories and tags are applied  “post-coordinately” as we librarians say. So a post on Proto-Maritime phonology is tagged twice, as “Proto-Maritime language” and “phonology”.

A search on “Proto-Maritime language” alone will get you material on all aspects of that language and a search on “phonology” alone will enable you to compare phonological material across languages.

Tags are further used to indicate the main subordinate themes in a post. The number of tags applied to each post can, therefore, get quite large.

Phrases used as categories are not also used as tags as this would generate two identical results pages.

Search by monthly archive has been disabled. I don’t post every month and my material is not time-dependent unlike, say, the content of a news blog.

By David Johnson

Conlanger, writer and activist.

One comment

  1. This post was rewritten in May 2020 as part of a general review of the site’s indexing policy. The review was occasioned by a new tag not showing up in the tag cloud. At the time of writing, it is now showing but I’ve rationalised and reduced the lists of tags and categories and aligned all the terms with the terminology currently used in the site content.

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