What have the Romohai ever done for us?

The people of Mohai are known as the Romohai. It is sometimes said on Tekuo that they are an inventive lot. This may or may not be the case, but if you have a good idea on Mohai, there’s a whole infrastructure to help you test it and bring it to market.

Workplaces are co-operative and non-hierarchical. Universities are integrated into society and the economy. Small, regional banks make their money by investing in new products and services rather than playing the stock exchange. This infrastructure has been exported to the former Mohaian Empire.

What else though, have the Romohai contributed? The following are perhaps worth a mention:

An important, ancient contribution is the Sutane faith. Sutane translates as “studying the pattern” or “following the paradigm”. It is based on finding and following the divine plan for your life. This pleases the supernatural beings with whom the Ike share their home planet.

Sutane arose from the ancient Proto-Maritime culture on the island of Mohai. In early modern times, it was reformed by the prophet Yethĩ and his followers who led a reformation movement within Sutane called Sayethĩ. This movement was also based on Mohai.

Another invention with ancient roots is the sport of hepano. At first, hundreds of players tried to move a ball towards a tree guarded by opponents. In the early modern era, it began to be played on roller skates between two small teams. The aim was now to throw the ball at a pole in the opponent’s territory. The game is now played professionally throughout Tekuo.

The main language of the Romohai is Lemohai. It is a mellifluous tongue with some neat grammatical features. The language is spoken amongst the Romohai diaspora. Small immigrant communities on Mohai speak other languages.

Constructed languages such as Esperanto struggle here on Earth, but they are widely spoken on Tekuo. One such is Letekuo. This was invented on Mohai in the early modern era as a planet-wide auxiliary language. It is still used today.

On Tekuo, the internet arrived earlier before television and radio. It began on Mohai when cinemas started streaming films down wires into the homes of wealthy neighbours. As technology improved, it came to resemble our internet, but with more government control.

A recent Romohai invention was the maglev monorail train. Maglevs float on a cushion of air raised up by opposing magnets. They travel very fast and their spread across the planet has made plane journeys less attractive. They are thus good for the environment, despite using a lot of energy.

By David Johnson

Conlanger, writer and activist.

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